the house of a thousand candles

Author: Meredith Nicholson

Editor: D.S. Martin

A book titled the house of a thousand candles

A Mystery/Thriller NOvel

Wealthy John Glenarm died and left his estate to his namesake grandson - called Jack- with certain stipulations for its use. As Jack attempted to enjoy possession of the land and unfinished house with untold secrets, sinister forces with deadly intent conspired against him to deprive him of the inheritance.

If that wasn't enough of a mystery to him, the neighboring private school for young ladies housed an intriguing and beautiful young woman who wrecked havoc with Jack's emotions. Being a long time family friend of old Mr. Glenarm, she was a major influence in the inheritance transition.

After years of drifting since college, Jack enlists the aid of friends to prove his worth in securing the property and pursues the intriguing Marian Devereux.

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364 pages - PDF​

A teddy bear wearing a red jacket and goggles is sitting on a bed.


I never let my schoolin' interfere

​with my education.

- Mark Twain -


1 - The Will Of John Marshall Glenarm

2 - A Face At Sherry's

3 - The House Of A Thousand Candles

4 - A Voice From The Lake

5 - A Red Tam-O'Shanter

6 - The Girl And The Canoe

7 - The Man On The Wall

8 - A String Of Gold Beads

9 - The Girl And The Rabbit

10- An Affair With The Caretaker

11- I Receive A Caller

12- I Explore A Passage

13- A Pair Of Eavesdroppers

14- The Girl In Gray

15- I Make An Engagement

16- The Passing Of Olivia

17- Sister Theresa

18- Golden Butterflies

19- I Meet An Old Friend

​20- A Triple Alliance

21- Pickering Serves Notice

22- The Return Of Marian Devereux

23- The Door Of Bewilderment

24- A Prowler Of The Night

25- Besieged

26- The Fight In The Library

27- Changes And Chances

28- Shorter Vistas

29- And So The Light Led Me

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